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ссылка на сообщение  Отправлено: 25.09.15 09:23. Заголовок: cynbythesea.com


Name: Roy Michael Joseph Dupuis
Date Of Birth: 4/21/1963
Place of Birth: Quebec, Canada
Sign: Taurus
Family: Father: Roy
Mother: Ryna
Older Sister: Roxanne
Younger Brother : Roderick

Roy Dupuis has been frequently compared to Marlon Brando or James Dean, emanating a poise, control and a deep, vast range to rival Hollywood's greats. While his fans and watchers call for him to move to Hollywood and enter into major productions, Roy prefers to remain in his native Quebec where he is one of the most loved stars of the region and dreams of returning to theatre.

Roy was born on April 21st, 1963 in the small village of Amos, in the remote French-speaking Abitibi region 500 miles north of Quebec City, to his father Roy and his mother, Ryna, a piano teacher. Roy had a hearty childhood in the great outdoors, where he ran wild, he grew up making treehouses in the wilderness behind his home, skating and partaking in many sports with his little brother brother Roderick and his big sister, Roxanne, besides learning to play the cello. The family moved to Kapuskasing, Northern Ontario, a village of 12,000 when he was 11, for three years, where he started to learn English from the streets, but he didn't really learn the language until age 14 after moving to Montreal. There he fell in love with the city vibe and nightlife, at school he developed an inclination for physics and science which enveloped him totally, but soon he was bitten by the theatre bug when one night he saw the movie Moliere by Adriane Mnouchkine.
He was so impressed by it, that he abandoned his science pursuits and threw himself into everything about the world of theatre, studying with a passion. Little did he know he had his lucky break one day when a friend of a friend renounced his audition for the National Theatre School in Montreal, a world-class academy rivaling the best schools in New York and London and Roy was persuaded to impersonate the renouncee. He made such a deep impression upon the commission that he was chosen for the school out of 2,000 applicants, but the commission realized the ruse from a photo of the applicant whom he had replaced. They liked him so much he was allowed to stay on and study for four years in the intense, one-on-one classes of only eight students. He graduated in 1986.

He started his theatre career then and had his film debut in 1988, which you can see in the filmography section. His most famous part was naturally in "La Femme Nikita" which was aired in 52 countries around the world, an intense role where he used an economy of gestures to portray a deeply controlled and emotionally scarred operative, Michael, who is Section's heir apparent to the throne, Nikita's trainer, nemesis and finally, lover, who's only weakness we learn is Nikita herself, for he cannot live without her as becomes evident slowly throughout the seasons.
This Romeo and Juliet saga keeps fans on edge throughout the cloak and dagger action with sizzling desire and tension between the protagonists in the Machiavellian surroundings of Section and their forays into dark folds of the underworld that they patrol on a global scale. Roy says his capacity of interpreting a character is due in part to his instinct and intuition, which is the opposite of his character Michael Samuelle, who doesn't believe in intuition, though he deeply analyzes the virtues of the characters he is called to portray, after reading the script thoroughly and leaves the rest to spontaneity. Roy was voted the Most Desirable Man and Best Actor by the Montreal Mirror in 1999 and no doubt his fans agree.

Roy says he fell in love with city life in Montreal. He felt he wanted to get back to his roots and find his "castle" in the countryside- he searched for six years before he found his dream abode, an 1840's farmhouse near the American border, with much land around it. Roy slowly fixed up the farmhouse with his own hands and efforts on weekends between filming and often showed up for filming with cuts and bruises on his hands.
He truly enjoyed learning to do all the phases of work by himself as much as possible, even recreating the original recipe for mortar used in the 1840's. The actor has a deep love of music and has invested quite a sum in sound equipment and a music collection to share with friends and has built a mounting studio at his home. He enjoys entertaining a few friends who stop by from time to time and for whom he loves to cook French cuisine, he is a gourmande, a great lover of slow-food traditions from Quebec and France. He has returned to his old passions of reading, especially physics and astronomy again and has enjoyed taking up the cello playing of his youth.

He is a quiet, reflective man, intensely passionate and feeling about the things he loves and knows how to relate to people in deep way, looking them in the eyes, yet he is capable of embarassment in a moment's notice, blushing deeply at times. He enjoys outdoor sports like parachuting, cross country skiing and hockey in the great Canadian outdoors, being among animals, he loves watching and feeding birds or playing with his dogs. He discovered sailing from a carpenter working on his home, who chatted and interested him in it during the house renovation.
He realized it is a wonderful way to see the world anonymously, which is increasingly difficult for a celebrity. He took a five-day sailing course in the Tadoussac region (Quebec) out among the whales, enjoying the great expanse of water and the feeling of freedom...he dreams also of taking two years off from work and escaping on a round the world sailing Odyssey, going where the wind takes them. Our actor enjoys getting away from it all, driving up the east coast with his partner to scour the seaside for sailboat manufacturers and chandlers. Roy dedicates time to his two favorite charities, the MIRA charity that supplies seeing dogs to the blind and the Rivers Foundation which is dedicated to saving Quebec's rivers, he helps in fund-raising activities for both charities, where throngs of fans flock from around the world to meet their hero, both charities have their main events in June in the same period, so fans who come from afar can see him twice over. Roy also has a sincere interest in anything and everything regarding Native Americans, he feels deeply for the plight of native peoples and their wisdom which he honors. Other actors say of Roy that he is a great practical joker on the set, much loved by all for his antics, he is rather shy and unforgiving with himself. Journalists describe him as open and liberal with his time but at the same time prudent, during his interviews, as if he were crossing a minefield.

His charismatic personality and looks to die for, his graceful step of a dancer and restrained force of a wild animal, coupled with a an extreme sensibility and range of expression made him an overnight success.
Thank you, Roy, you're one in a million.

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<B>La Femme Nikita La Femme Nikita La Femme Nikita</B>